"Seeing through the Fog" Money & Mental Health Report

The Money and Mental Health Policy Institute’s "Seeing through the fog"  report: maps the impact of mental health problems on money management capabilities and recommends ways for Industry and Government to better meet the needs of people with mental health issues.

Money & Mental Health Report

Caroline Siarkiewicz, Head of Debt Advice for the Money Advice Service comments on Money and Mental Health Policy Institute’s "Seeing through the fog" report:

“This report highlights there is a strong link between mental health and money issues, from remembering pins and budgeting, through to more severe issues such as problem debt. The report calls on banks and financial institutions to do more for people living with mental health conditions, and the debt sector is well placed to provide such vital support. 52% of people who received debt advice from our services have a mental health condition and our debt advisers are experienced when it comes to working working with people in these circumstances".

The report:
• Maps the impact of mental health problems on financial capability (Section 1)
• Sets out the academic evidence of the cognitive impact of mental health problems, and how this affects consumer behaviour (Section 2)
• Explores the impact of psychological factors during periods of poor mental health (Section 3)
• Recommends ways for industry and government to adjust their products and services to meet the needs of the one in four consumers with mental health problems (Section 4)

It is important to remind anyone who is worried about their money that debt advisers are here to help them. The service is free, non-judgemental and available in Northern Ireland. The Debt Advice Locator Tool will help you to find advice in your area.”